Terms, Use and Disclaimers

This website makes no guarantee for any of your wishes to be fulfilled and the sole purpose of the site is to randomly give an output in text of a submitted form. The website and the web development company of this site takes no responsibility of any mental, physical or any kind of trauma you may face while using this site. We have no control of what your life has to offer you. This site may work for some and may not work for some.

All wishes (messages) submitted to the site are not moderated by our team and are neither saved to any database. We or anyone else do not know what you have submitted. We take no responsibility of any consequences that may occur to view or use this website. 

We again like to stress that this website is purely for people who believe in power of attraction and we personally take no guarantee for any of your wishes to be fulfilled. Your luck is simply your luck, only you can change it.

All wishes (messages) submitted to the site are not moderated by our team and are neither saved to any database. We or anyone else do not know what you have submitted.
We will not display your names or your wishes (messages) on the website. While we do not ask for your email address though we may record your IP information for security purpose if required. We take no responsibility of any consequences that may occur to view or use this website.

Terms and Use

This website is made for educational purpose only and makes no guarantee for any of your wishes to be fulfilled. The website and the web development company of this site takes no responsibility of any mental, physical or any kind of trauma you may face while using this site. We have no control of what your life has to offer you. This site may work for some and may not work for some.

We take no responsibility of any consequences that may occur to view or use this website. We again like to stress that this website is purely for educational purpose and we take no guarantee for any of your wishes to be fulfilled. Your luck is your luck, we cannot change it. Contributions 

We are always happy to receive some small contributions from our users. We use these contributions for website and server expenses and some small social causes. We are unable to refund your amount (in part or in full) after you have made a contribution. Further we will take no claims for the contributed amount even if was done by someone without your consent. We assume you are mature enough to understand the above whenever you contribute to us.


People wished for something


Wishes in process


Wishes granted